Test and stuff

yeah.. so this is like a test message or something...

Southside DNB is back!!!

We're back with a new location (around the corner from the old one). Monthly Sunday evening chill out sessions, come down and relax with some beats and a beer. =)

Prison Shanks

I watched season 4 episode 12 of OZ last night and it showed how to make prison shanks (out of spoons, toothbrushes, bed springs, etc...), good to know if you ever end up in prison. I thought why limit shanks to prison? I think I'm going to start carrying a shank with me at work incase I need to increase my cred, so I started looking for ways to create a shank and found this gem.


New Banner

I've added a new banner with my l33t photoshop skillz!!

ok, so Amel designed it.... but I told her what I wanted. :)

Tropical Twist

Amel and I attended her nieces (Chantelle) 1st birthday party at Tropical Twist (which is a giant indoor playground for kids) on Saturday evening. The place is massive, it's like 4 playgrounds on top of each other with tubes to travel through, ball pits, big slides and other crazy things. I decided to be a kid for the evening and ran a muck in the playground.
After about 30 minutes of crawling around I was stuffed! I don't know how I used to do it?? I'm so unfit now! We got lost as well and had to find some kids to show us how to get out. :)

This is Chantelle eating her first ever birthday cake...

Chantelle's grandparents made her the most extravagant birthday cake I've ever seen!!! It looked like it had been professionally done. It was a two tiered cake in the style of a carousel(merry go round)! It even had that icing like wedding cakes have... MMMmmm!!!

So yeh, I guess I'm just a big kid! :)

New Blog Link Added

I've added a new blog link to Esa's Blog, she's only been blogging for about 2 weeks and already she's made more posts than me. I've only had this blog site since 2001... so I have an excuse, or something?

HD Heaven

Today I went to a conference on HD media in film production as part of the Revelation Film festival. I was hoping for an insight on techniques for amateurs on achieving quality shots using decent digital cameras. It was an interesting session with Toby Oliver and some other big Australia film industry names. Toby has worked on Last Train to Freo and some other fairly notable Australian films.

The session was a little over my head with a lot of the talk being related to feature film work, it seemed like everyone there except Lee and I was from within the industry. There was a lot of general talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working with HD digital film. There was some interesting stuff about the specifics of how different effects were achieved within their films.

The day has given me a renewed sense of inspiration to attempt to do some short films again. Now I just need to get hold of a video camera.... :(

"Crazy Gary"

We were having lunch at the Upstairs Carillion food court on Friday and I was playing with my new phone. Gary started busting out some crazy moves trying to copy the crazy German kids video thing. I couldn't help but post it on youtube...

Gary's going to kill me for this!


I just remembered I signed up to this shitty web-blog thing, after finding some other randoms web-blog. Why the fuck do people bother with generic blogs? Make a website you idiots!!

Random Productions

yeah.. so this is like a test message or something...

yeah.. so this is like a test message or something...

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